Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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GCP #58: Paul Corver, Delvag’s Tobias Winkler and Andreas Brügel

Paul Corver, R&Q
Tobias Winkler, Lufthansa
Andreas Brügel, Lufthansa

In episode 58 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by guest co-host Paul Corver, Group Head of Legacy M&A at R&Q.

The episode also includes a fascinating extended captive owner interview with Tobias Winkler and Andreas Brügel, who work in senior positions for Lufthansa’s 90-year-old captive Delvag.

Corver discusses recent legacy transactions completed with General Electric’s Dublin-domiciled captive, and the September loss portfolio transfer with Delvag, as well as wider trends in the captive legacy space.

Andreas, Director for Reinsurance, and Tobias, Senior Director responsible for the underwriting department and the insurance lines of aviation, marine and reinsurance, give listeners a comprehensive history of Delvag, its status today, the third party lines it writes and recent restructuring projects.