Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Evaluating captive solutions for real estate risk management strategies

Commercial property owners and investors are eagerly seeking ways to reduce their insurance spend while obtaining adequate coverage to protect their assets and comply with lender covenants. That has led many to explore the concept of establishing a captive insurance company.

Guernsey-on-Thames, the existing solution for London

I have read with interest numerous articles discussing the possible Brexit Bonuses available to the UK. Principle among these bonuses is refining Solvency II regulation to better reflect the UK’s leading global (re)insurance industry.

The rise of captives in the Middle East: Demand reaches new heights

The Middle East has experienced rapid economic growth and diversification across various sectors, including energy, construction, finance, and healthcare. As companies expand their operations and face more complex risks, captives start to play an increasingly important role in their risk management strategies.

Captive feasibility – a Shakespeare drama

Few know that the captive concept has actually been in existence for hundreds of years, and the most learned amongst us realise that the origins can be traced back to the times of Shakespeare.

Answering the Saturday Morning Question

Ryan Dodd, CEO and Founder of Intangic, explains why it makes good sense to use a captive for cyber and how they can help predict a frequency factor to influence pricing.

ESG – what is the impact of captives?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or now better known under the label “ESG“ is a topic that has long preoccupied the insurance industry. However, it has historically been more than...

Ideal timing for UK’s captive market entrance

Christopher Lay, CEO of Marsh McLennan UK, William Thomas-Ferrand and Matthew Latham explain why they are backing the London Market Group’s captive initiative.

Navigating Disability Risks: The role of EB captives and how to manage the associated complexities

In the intricate world of corporate risk management, Employee Benefits Captives (EBCs) have risen to prominence as essential tools for organisations seeking innovative ways to address the biometric risks of their employees and their families. Within this framework, disability risks play a central role in providing financial security to employees facing disabilities.

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GCP #107: Solvency II reform and Q2 investments update

Richard brings insight from FERMA on the recent Solvency II reforms that should bring some regulatory relief to EU-domiciled captives, and London & Capital provide the Q2 investments update.

GCP Short: Managing EB claims to add value to your captive programme

Richard is joined by ZGEBS' Chris Mason, Aon's Sander Brentjes and Jenny Woods, at Zurich Corporate Risk, to discuss what is involved in EB claims management.

GCP #106: Stephen Cross on captive past, present and future

Richard sits down with Stephen Cross, Group COO & Head of Innovation & Strategy at broker McGill & Partners, to discuss his captive past, present and future.