Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Long reads

Domicile Wars: AZ’s pro-active regulator and 0% premium tax appealing to captives

The appeal of a business-friendly regulator and 0% premium tax are some reasons why Arizona continues to be an attractive domestic domicile option within the United States.

Hope remains for progress on UK captive regime, despite Labour victory

While the Labour election victory on 4 July is expected to delay progress on the proposed United Kingdom captive legislation, local industry has not given hope of pushing the new framework through.

Carrier appetite varies as more captives seek 100% fronting

There is an increasing number of captives requesting unbundled fronting services where the fronting carrier takes no risk with the client reinsuring 100% to the captive.

Lloyd’s provides curious alternative for multinationals, but rush of applications not expected

Despite the first Lloyd’s Captive Syndicate being formed this year, there is unlikely to be a sudden surge of new captive syndicates as the proposition is expected to appeal to only the largest multinational organisations in the short term.

Successful first year for French captive regime, but market eyeing further regulatory progress

France’s first year as a captive domicile has been hailed a success, but a stronger local ecosystem and continued education will be key if the jurisdiction wants to build on its early achievements.

Non-profits and charities look to captives to negate rising costs

Public entities, non-for-profits, and charities have long been common utilisers of captive insurance structures, but they are increasingly looking towards captives as a means of stifling rising costs and mitigating a lack of capacity in the commercial market.

Solvency II reform no “revolution” but greater proportionality welcomed

There is hope that Solvency II amendments will allow for greater proportionality in the regulation of of captives domiciled within the European Union (EU), but the proposals stop short of giving captives their own classification.

Vermont’s latest “robust” captive bill addresses confidentiality, parametric and cells

Sitting on Vermont Governor Phil Scott’s desk awaiting signature, Bill H.659 includes important updates to the State’s statutes.

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GCP #107: Solvency II reform and Q2 investments update

Richard brings insight from FERMA on the recent Solvency II reforms that should bring some regulatory relief to EU-domiciled captives, and London & Capital provide the Q2 investments update.

GCP Short: Managing EB claims to add value to your captive programme

Richard is joined by ZGEBS' Chris Mason, Aon's Sander Brentjes and Jenny Woods, at Zurich Corporate Risk, to discuss what is involved in EB claims management.

GCP #106: Stephen Cross on captive past, present and future

Richard sits down with Stephen Cross, Group COO & Head of Innovation & Strategy at broker McGill & Partners, to discuss his captive past, present and future.