Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Hope remains for progress on UK captive regime, despite Labour victory

While the Labour election victory on 4 July is expected to delay progress on the proposed United Kingdom captive legislation, local industry has not given hope of pushing the new framework through.

Lloyd’s, UK propositions further legitimising captive concept – Thomas-Ferrand

While the Lloyd’s Captive Syndicate proposition is mostly appealing to the largest, most sophisticated clients it provides an environment for insureds to future proof their risk financing strategies, according to William Thomas-Ferrand, international captive practice leader at Marsh Captive Solutions.

Paul Marquand to lead Marsh Guernsey office

Paul Marquand is set to succeed Ian Drillot as head of the Guernsey office for Marsh Management Services, effective 1 July.

Guernsey trusted location for pension scheme longevity swaps

Guernsey is a popular European domicile for many UK defined benefit (DB) pension scheme longevity swaps, according to Christopher Anderson, partner at law firm, Carey Olsen.

Cells still not wholly embraced by Europe, US domiciles increasingly attractive – Jelto Borgmann

Companies in certain European countries are less likely to utilise cells than others, according to Jelto Borgmann, captive portfolio manager at HDI Global.

Dubai registered (re)insurers jumps 20%, including Guernsey captive re-domestication

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has increased the registration of insurance and reinsurance firms by 20%, including the first re-domestication of a Guernsey-based captive.

Guernsey-on-Thames, the existing solution for London

I have read with interest numerous articles discussing the possible Brexit Bonuses available to the UK. Principle among these bonuses is refining Solvency II regulation to better reflect the UK’s leading global (re)insurance industry.

Pool Re members back new reinsurance arrangement

Members of Pool Re, Great Britain’s terrorism reinsurance pool, have backed formal proposals from the Pool Re Board to change the current Pool Re scheme.

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GCP #107: Solvency II reform and Q2 investments update

Richard brings insight from FERMA on the recent Solvency II reforms that should bring some regulatory relief to EU-domiciled captives, and London & Capital provide the Q2 investments update.

GCP Short: Managing EB claims to add value to your captive programme

Richard is joined by ZGEBS' Chris Mason, Aon's Sander Brentjes and Jenny Woods, at Zurich Corporate Risk, to discuss what is involved in EB claims management.

GCP #106: Stephen Cross on captive past, present and future

Richard sits down with Stephen Cross, Group COO & Head of Innovation & Strategy at broker McGill & Partners, to discuss his captive past, present and future.