Friday, October 25, 2024

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French captive success could prompt “domino effect” across Europe

  • French captive scene “booming”, at least two applications in
  • IFRIMA president lauds AMRAE’s lobbying efforts to push captive agenda
  • Spain, Italy, Germany and UK all at various stages of similar initiatives
  • Within EU, Solvency II remains a leveller but further reform still hoped for

The “outstanding achievement” of France’s risk management association AMRAE to secure legislation introducing a regulatory framework for captives has given impetus to efforts in Italy, Spain and Germany to lobby for more appropriate captive regimes.

Captive Intelligence reported in December that the new French regime could triple the captive number in the country and since then multinational dairy company Lactalis has received a captive licence from the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR).

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