Saturday, February 8, 2025

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GCP #74: HDI’s Dirk Schilling and Jelto Borgmann, Q3 investments update and FERMA Forum report

Jelto Borgmann, HDI Global
Dirk Schilling, HDI Global
Shadrack Kwasa, London & Capital
Claude Weber, Marsh Captive Solutions

In episode 74 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by Shadrack Kwasa and Sanjay Joshi for an eventful third quarter investments update. In a bumper episode, Shadrack and Sanjay focus on recent activity in the UK bond markets, interest rates and currency volatility and what the environment means for captives.

There is also an extended interview with Jelto Borgmann and Dirk Schilling, of HDI Global, to discuss European captive trends concerning new formations, Solvency II, cyber and D&O.

Senior Reporter Luke Harrison returns from the FERMA Forum in Copenhagen where the energy transition and role for the commercial market and captives was debated.

In several short interviews, Luke is talks to: Professor Simon Grima, FERMA Board Member Dr. Ulrich Adamheit, Head of Business Risk at Vattenfall, Marc Paasch, Global Head Strategic Risk Consulting and Global Head Alternative Risk Transfer at WTW, Claude Weber, Managing Director at Marsh Captive Solutions in Luxembourg, and Marine Charbonnier, Global Programs and Captives Regional Director Europe at AXA XL.