Sunday, December 22, 2024

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Ed Koral to lead WTW captive consulting in North America

Experienced captive consultant Edward Koral has been promoted to lead WTW’s captive consulting activities in North America.

Koral joined the broker in December 2021 as a director of risk and analytics, having previously worked for BDO, Deloitte and Marsh.

In July, he co-authored a Thought Leadership article for Captive Intelligence on premium and cost allocation: “The dismal science that pays dividends”

Koral has 35 years of experience with captives and alternative risk structures and started his career with Johnson & Higgins.

He served six years on the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) board.

In 2019 Koral received VCIA’s Captive Crusader award in recognition of his service to the captive market.