Monday, March 31, 2025

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GCP #111: Tibor Boettcher on Volkswagen captive

Richard Cutcher, Captive Intelligence
Tibor Boettcher, Volkswagen Insurance Company DAC

In GCP #111, supported by the ⁠EY Global Captive Network⁠, Richard is joined by Tibor Boettcher, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Volkswagen Insurance Company DAC, domiciled in Dublin, Ireland.

Tibor has a long history with the Volkswagen group, but has been in the captive role since January 2023.

Over the course of a 20 minute discussion, Tibor explains the role of the Volkswagen captive, its position in various risk financing progammes, why they recently moved from two to one captive and his experience of Ireland as a captive domicile.

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