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GCP #110: Interviews and round up from VCIA 2024

Christine Brown, State of Vermont
Colin Donovan, STICO
Karen Hsi, University of California
Claire Richardson, Hylant

In episode 110 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by the ⁠EY Global Captive Network⁠, Senior Reporter Luke Harrison brings a series of interviews from the Vermont Captive Insurance Associaton (VCIA) conference that was held in Burlington, Vermont in August.

01.11 – 16.48: Christine Brown, Director of Captive Insurance at the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation, discusses the latest activity in the State and at the department.

17.13 – 24.45: Colin Donovan, president of STICO Mutual Insurance Company, RRG, provides an update on activities and objectives at the risk retention group.

25.14 – 31.09: Luke shares brief catch ups with Hylant’s Claire Richardson, John James and Scott Mildrum of Performa, Ian Davis at M&T Bank, EY’s Mikhail Raybshteyn, Karen Hsi, of the Univesity of California, and Brown & Brown’s Mat Robinson.

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