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GCP Short: Financing retained risk

Jay Sampson, Brown & Brown
Marc Bentley, IHG

In this GCP Short, produced in collaboration with Beecher Carlson, Richard is joined by Jay Sampson, an Executive Managing Director within the Risk Optimisation Group at Beecher Carlson, and Marc Bentley, Director of Risk Finance at Intercontinental Hotels Group.

Jay and Marc share their perspectives and analysis of approach to financing retained risk, including differentiating between an insureds appetite for their own risk versus others’, what tools are available to quantify risk and using a captive consolidate legacy risk across the group.

GCP #40: Steven Bauman, Captive Owner archive, and London & Capital investment update

Steven Bauman, AXA XL
Chris Dalziel, London & Capital
Punit Patel, London & Capital

In episode 40 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by guest co-host Steven Bauman, Global Programs & Captive Director of the Americas, AXA XL.

Steve discusses role of fronting partners in captive start ups, how captives can aide resiliency and the benefit of diversifying a captive.

Chris Dalziel, Executive Director, and Punit Patel, Equity Fund Manager, provide the latest quarterly investment update from London & Capital.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP Short: Cyber insurance and the role for captives

Paul Woehrmann, Zurich
Oliver Delvos, Zurich
Francoise Carli
Holger Kraus, Siemens

In this GCP Short, in collaboration with Zurich, Richard is joined by a diverse group of experts to discuss cyber insurance and what role can captives can play in providing coverage.

From Zurich Oliver Delvos, Global Cyber Underwriting Manager, and Dr. Paul Wöhrmann, Head of Captive Services, address the current cyber insurance market and how can captives can structure coverage, while providing a client perspective is Francois Carli, who was Vice President of Insurance at global life science company Sanofi from 2006 to 2017 and is now an independent consultant, and Holger Kraus. Holger is Head of Risk Finance & Employee Insurances at Siemens but is speaking in this Short in his capacity as Head of the captive committee of the German Risk and Insurance Managers Association (GVNW).

GCP #39: Ellen Charnley and Gerjan Delhaas

Ellen Charnley, Marsh Captive Solutions
Gerjan Delhaas, Unilever

In episode 39 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by Ellen Charnley, President of Marsh Captive Solutions, to discuss the recent 2020 Marsh Captive Landscape report, consolidation among captive managers and some record breaking new formation activity.

​The captive owner interview is with Gerjan Delhaas, Corporate Insurance Manager at Unilever, who explains how captives can, or should have, prepared for the hard market and outlines the environment for captives in the Netherlands.

​To view the 2020 Marsh Captive Landscape Report, use this link.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP Short: Social inflation and insuring the new normal

Mikhail Raybshteyn, EY
Jim Bulkowski, EY
John Ferrara, EY

In this GCP Short, produced in collaboration with Friends of the Podcast EY, we discuss the concept of social inflation and what it means for insurance and the role of captives.

John Ferrara and Jim Bulkowski, both Senior Managers for Insurance & Actuarial Advisory Services at EY, explain what social inflation is and how it is changing the type of coverage of organisations are looking to purchase or self fund. Mikhail Raybshteyn, Partner at Co-Leader of EY Americas Captive Insurance Services, outlines the tax considerations of these new types of programmes.

GCP #38: Zach Finn, Tracy Hassett on edHEALTH and Thomas Keist

Zach Finn, Butler University
Tracy Hassett, edHealth
Thomas Keist, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions

In episode 38 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by guest co-host Zach Finn, Clinical Professor & Director of the Davey Risk Management & Insurance Program at Butler University, Tracy Hassett, President of Vermont group captive edHEALTH, and Thomas Keist, Global Captive Solutions Leader at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions.

Zach shares his views on whether pandemics are insurable or not, the role of the federal government in future solutions and shares the latest on Butler’s student run captive insurance company in Bermuda.

Tracy tells listeners all about the formation and growth of edHEALTH, which insures medical stop-loss for educational institutions across the United States.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP Short: Restructuring a captive’s investment portfolio

Chris Dalziel, London & Capital
Shadrack Kwasa, London & Capital
Malcolm Cutts-Watson, CWC Consulting

In this GCP Short, in collaboration with London & Capital, Richard and guests discuss how to restructure a captive’s investment portfolio.

The speakers are Chris Dalziel and Shadrack Kwasa, both Executive Directors at London & Capital, and Malcolm Cutts-Watson, Founder and Managing Director of Cutts-Watson Consulting, based in Guernsey.

The trio discuss how the investment environment has changed over the last five years, impact sustainability and CSR trends are having strategies, how captives can transition away from a loan to parent or cash-based strategy and the role of the board and good governance in overseeing money management.

GCP #37: Derek Bridgeman and Andrew Baillie

Derek Bridgeman, SRS Europe
Andrew Baillie, AES Corporation

In episode 37 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by Derek Bridgeman, a Managing Director at Strategic Risk Solutions and Risk Consulting Practice Leader for SRS Europe.

Derek explains the captive manager’s latest hires in Luxembourg, Dublin and Malta and their plans for a captive management operation i Guernsey. He also discusses interest in new captive formations in Europe and what captive owners are doing to review their existing operations.

The captive owner interview is with Andrew Baillie, Program Director for Global Insurance at AES Corporation, a Fortune 500 utilities company with a pure captive in Vermont.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP Short: Medical stop loss and captives

Art Koritzinsky, Marsh Captive Solutions
Daniel Davey, Mercer

This GCP Short, produced in collaboration with Friends of the Podcast Marsh Captive Solutions, explores the topic of Medical Stop-Loss and captives in the US market.

Richard is joined by Art Koritzinsky, Managing Director within Marsh Captive Solutions, and Daniel Davey, Stop Loss Specialty Practice Leader for Mercer in the US, to discuss the state of the medical stop-loss market, how single parent and group captive programmes are being structured for this coverage and why there is increasing interest from large and mid-size companies.

GCP #36: Laurent Nihoul, Mary Ellen Moriarty, and Ventiv’s Angus Rhodes and David Thomas

Laurent Nihoul, ArcelorMittal
Mary Ellen Moriarty, EIIA
Angus Rhodes, Ventiv
David Thomas, Ventiv

In episode 36 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by guest co-host Laurent Nihoul, Group Head of Insurance at steel and mining giant ArcelorMittal. Laurent is also FERMA board member and takes the lead on many of their captive projects.

Laurent discusses ArcelorMittal’s insurance and captive strategy, and FERMA’s latest activities regarding Solvency II and the OECD’s BESP initiatives.​

There is also a captive owner interview with Mary Ellen Moriarty, Vice President for Property & Casualty at EIIA in Chicago. EIIA owns an association captive and RRG in Vermont.

​In the second half of the episode Angus Rhodes, Global Product Manager, and David Thomas, Director at Ventiv Technology, discuss how analytics and data can increasingly be used to the insurance buyers advantage.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see: