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GCP Live: 100 Years of Captives in Guernsey

Mark Helyar, Bedell Cristin
Julia Graham, Airmic
Malcolm Cutts-Watson, Cutts-Watson Consulting

Richard recorded a special GCP Live episode from the Leadenhall Building in London on Thursday, 20 October to celebrate 100 years of captives in Guernsey.

Joined by States of Guernsey Deputy and insurance lawyer Mark Helyar, Airmic CEO Julia Graham and Malcolm Cutts-Watson, of Cutts-Watson Consulting, the panel discuss the origin and evolution of captives in Guernsey, what the future may hold and indulge in a game of Captive Domicile Higher or Lower.

For more information on Guernsey’s 100-year captive history, check out their special publication:…ive-insurance/

GCP #74: HDI’s Dirk Schilling and Jelto Borgmann, Q3 investments update and FERMA Forum report

Jelto Borgmann, HDI Global
Dirk Schilling, HDI Global
Shadrack Kwasa, London & Capital
Claude Weber, Marsh Captive Solutions

In episode 74 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard is joined by Shadrack Kwasa and Sanjay Joshi for an eventful third quarter investments update. In a bumper episode, Shadrack and Sanjay focus on recent activity in the UK bond markets, interest rates and currency volatility and what the environment means for captives.

There is also an extended interview with Jelto Borgmann and Dirk Schilling, of HDI Global, to discuss European captive trends concerning new formations, Solvency II, cyber and D&O.

Senior Reporter Luke Harrison returns from the FERMA Forum in Copenhagen where the energy transition and role for the commercial market and captives was debated.

In several short interviews, Luke is talks to: Professor Simon Grima, FERMA Board Member Dr. Ulrich Adamheit, Head of Business Risk at Vattenfall, Marc Paasch, Global Head Strategic Risk Consulting and Global Head Alternative Risk Transfer at WTW, Claude Weber, Managing Director at Marsh Captive Solutions in Luxembourg, and Marine Charbonnier, Global Programs and Captives Regional Director Europe at AXA XL.

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GCP Short: Investment management for cell captives

Shadrack Kwasa, London & Capital
Kate Miller, London & Capital

In this GCP Short, produced in partnership with London & Capital, we discuss managing investment portfolios for cell companies.

​Richard is joined by London & Capital’s Kate Miller, Partner and Head of Institutions, and Shadrack Kwasa, Executive Director.

Kate and Shadrack discuss the type and profile of cell captives they work with, the unique challenges and considerations for cells when looking for investment management services and their own approach to managing cell assets.

​For more information on London & Capital’s captive services, visit their Friend of the Podcast page.

GCP Short: Ethical investing for captives

Shadrack Kwasa, London & Capital
Adele Gale, Robus Group
Jennifer Strachan, IAM Advisory
Ian Corder, ESI Monitor

In this GCP Short, produced in collaboration with We Are Guernsey and the Guernsey International Insurance Association (GIIA), we really focus on what ethical investing means for captives and how it can, and already is, being implemented.

​GIIA launched its ESG Framework for Insurers in May 2021 and joining us for this episode are Adele Gale, Deputy Chair of the Association and a Director at Robus Group, as well as Ian Corder, Director of Standards and Operations at ESI Monitor, which can provide a kitemark to validate insurers’ participation.

​We are also joined by investment experts Jennifer Strachan, Sustainability and Business Development Manager at IAM Advisory, and Shadrack Kwasa, Executive Director at London & Capital.

For more information on the ESG Framework for Insurers, visit here.

For more information on Guernsey as a captive domicile, visit their Friend of the Podcast page.

GCP #73: Ali Quinlivan and Bermuda Captive Conference Report

Ali Quinlivan, Alphabet
Scott Reynolds, American Hardware & Lumber Insurance
Leslie Robinson, WTW
Grainne Richmond, Aon

In episode 73 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard interviews Ali Quinlivan, Head of International Insurance & Captives at Google, about her 20 year career in captive management and consulting.

Listeners are also introduced to Luke Harrison, who has joined GCP as Senior Reporter and recently attended the Bermuda Captive Conference. Luke shares interviews with Scott Reynolds, President & CEO at American Hardware & Lumber Insurance and also President of the Bermuda Captive Owners Association, as well as conference committee members Leslie Robinson, Luis Delgado and Grainne Richmond.

American Hardware and Lumber Insurance open to new members “more than ever before”

Scott Reynolds, President and CEO of American Hardware & Lumber Insurance

The American Hardware and Lumber Insurance captive is open to new members “more than ever before”, according to the company’s president and CEO, Scott Reynolds, speaking to Captive Intelligence at this year’s Bermuda Captive Conference.

“So as long as they meet that need, and we feel like we can offer a competitive product, that will produce a profit for the other members, then they would qualify for the captive,” he said in an interview featured on GCP #73.

Reynolds explained that at one point in time, you could only be a member of the captive if you were a “true value” hardware store. Now, he said, the captive is open to any retail business in the hardware store and building material dealer industry.

The captive provides cover for all commercial lines of business, including workers compensation, general liability, property, auto, umbrella, and inland marine. However, Reynolds highlighted that the company provides other lines outside of the captive.

The lumber captive is a Class III Bermuda mutual which insures “hundreds, and perhaps thousands” of hardware store owners throughout the US, which in turn become members of the captive insurance company.

Reynolds said the captive targets a 55% loss ratio, which they have accomplished.

“That allows us to pay all our expenses and still produce a profit so that we can pay dividends,” he said.

“We also want to grow, so that’s the second most important measure, which has been challenging in recent years.”

Reynolds said that as well as providing loss control services to help members mitigate exposures to loss, when there is a claim “we don’t just hand it over to the TPA or an insurance carrier”.

“We ourselves get involved, we have a philosophy of fighting claims if we feel like our insured was not negligent,” the CEO said.

Regarding the Bermuda Captive Network that was launched in February 2022, Reynolds said that he was “very excited”.

“It should be really good, offering many more networking environments and opportunities and educational opportunities,” he said.

Reynolds noted that overall, he believes there’s “no place like Hamilton Bermuda” to have your captive based. He said: “It’s a rich, dense, centre of resources, and when you come to Hamilton, you can get so much business done – it’s the insurance capital of the world.”

GCP Short: Graduate and career development in captives

Michael Serricchio, Marsh Captive Solutions
Theodore Wenzel, Marsh Captive Solutions
Seth Herdoiza, Mash Captive Solutions

In this GCP Short, produced in partnership with Marsh Captive Solutions, we feature two relatively new additions to the team discussing their recent career development, what attracted them to captives and their experiences of the industry to date.

Over 15 minutes Richard is joined by Theodore Wenzel and Seth Herdoiza, both graduates of Butler University who, through different paths, have found their way to Marsh Captive Solutions.

This episode was recorded in August during the VCIA conference in Burlington and also features Mike Serricchio, Americas Sales & Advisory Leader at Marsh Captive Solutions.

For more information on Marsh Captive Solutions, visit their Friend of the Podcast page.

GCP Short: A Vermont cell captive for senior living clients

Christine Brown, State of Vermont
Marty Butler, Marsh & McLennan Agency
JD Seymour, Marsh & McLennan Agency

In this GCP Short, produced in partnership with the Sate of Vermont, Richard is joined by Christine Brown, now Vermont’s Director of Captive Insurance, as well as Jonathan Seymour and Marty Butler – both of Marsh & McLennan Agency.

Our three experts discuss the formation and operation of AssureCap Indemnity, a cell company serving senior care clients. They discuss the application and formation process for cell captives, what need the strategy is servicing and how it supports insureds.

For more information on the State of Vermont and its captive contacts, visit their Friend of the Podcast page.

GCP Short: Building a successful medical stop loss captive

Karin Landry, Spring Consulting Group
Tracy Hassett, edHEALTH

In this GCP Short, produced in collaboration with Spring Consulting Group, you will hear a case study of a successful medical stop loss group captive that was established in 2013.

Richard is joined by Karin Landry, Managing Partner at Spring, and Tracy Hassett, President & CEO of edHealth, who discuss the raison d’etre, evolution and value of the group captive nearing 10 years of operation.

Member-owner schools have realised a total of $125m in savings since its inception, and over 15 minutes Karin and Tracy explain how this has been achieved and expansion plans for the future.

For more information on Spring Consulting Group, visit their Friend of the Podcast page.