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GCP #19: Kate Storey, Steve McElhiney and Steven Bauman

Kate Storey, Walkers
Steve McElhiney, Tall Pines Insurance Company of Vermont
Steve Bauman, AXA XL

Guernsey-based Kate Storey, Partner at global offshore law firm Walkers, is the guest co-host. Kate discusses pension longevity swaps, ILS and Guernsey’s activity in the China captive market.

​Steve McElhiney, President of Tall Pines Insurance Company of Vermont, is our captive owner interview. He addresses a unique captive and reinsurance brokerage structure and how Tall Pines has grown in sophistication over the years.

​AXA XL’s lead captive and global programmes man in the USA, Steven Bauman, discusses cyber risk, parametric triggers and new collaboration with his MAXIS GBN colleagues.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #18: Sean Rider, Krystle Blystone and Mike Meehan

Sean Rider, Willis Towers Watson
Krystle Blystone, Cargill
Mike Meehan, Milliman

Sean Rider, Executive Vice President within Willis Towers Watson’s risk & analytics team in the USA, is the guest co-host as he discusses the increasingly sophisticated ways risk and insurance managers are able to approach risk financing strategies.

The captive owner interview is with Krystle Blystone, Senior Operations – Insurance at one of the largest privately owned companies in the world – Cargill.

​Mike Meehan, a Consultant at Milliman is the latest visitor to Karen’s Captive Corner discussing the role of actuaries in the captive industry.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #17: Ellen Charnley, Paul Smith and Kirk Watkins

Ellen Charnley, Marsh Captive Solutions
Paul Smith, FirstGroup America
Kirk Watkins, Trion, a Marsh & McLennan Agency

Joining Richard as guest co-host is Ellen Charnley, President of Marsh Captive Solutions. Ellen provides an update on the JLT acquisition and its impact on the captive practice, adding cyber to the captive, and the hardening market.

The captive owner interview is with Paul Smith, Director of Insurance at FirstGroup America. Paul explains the history of the company’s Vermont captive and how it is utilised to support the business.

Kirk Watkins, Captive Practice Leader within Trion, a Marsh & McLennan Agency, is the first participant in Karen Hsi’s Captive Corner, discussing all things voluntary benefits.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #16: The Latin American Market with Ali Hauser, Espy Mead and Santiago Gomez

Ali Hauser
Esperanza Borja Mead, Actuarial Factor
Santiago Gomez, KOT Insurance

Ali Hauser, formerly CEO of the PEMEX-owned Switzerland captive, KOT Insurance, is the guest co-host. Ali discusses the opportunities for new formations of captives out of the Latin American market, the history of KOT, and how the market can be developed further.

​The captive owner interview is with Ali’s former colleague – Santiago Gomez, CFO of KOT Insurance, while Esperanza Borja Mead, Founder and Principal at Actuarial Factor, takes a broader look at the Latin American market.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #15: Paul Owens, Sean Barnes and Dan Kusaila

Paul Owens, Willis Towers Watson
Sean Barnes, United Educators
Dan Kusaila, Crowe

Paul Owens, CEO of the Willis Towers Watson Global Captive Practice, is this episodes co-host and discusses Brexit, a life after WTW and the hard market.

The captive owner interview is with Sean Barnes, CFO of United Educators, a Reciprocal Risk Retention Group domiciled in Vermont who discusses the captive’s asset management strategy.

Dan Kusaila, US-based Tax Partner at Crowe, provides an update on tax matters including 831(b), Washington State and tax reform.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #14: Skip Myers, Melissa Hollingsworth and Pete Kranz

Skip Myers, Morris, Manning & Martin
Melissa Hollingsworth, Jim Ellis Automotive Dealerships
Pete Kranz, Beecher Carlson

Episode 14 was recorded from the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) with guest co-host Skip Myers, Partner at Morris, Manning & Martin. Skip reflected on a thirty-year career in captive insurance and the legal complexity surrounding insurance for the marijuana business.

The captive owner interview is with Melissa Hollingsworth, Director of Risk Management & Insurance at Jim Ellis Automotive Dealerships, and Pete Kranz, Captive Practice Leader at Beecher Carlson, discusses the opportunities for new captive formations and further utilisation.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #13: Dan Towle, Jan Klodowski and the VCIA Hot Topics panel

Dan Towle, CICA
Jan Klodowski, Agri Services Agency,
David Provost, State of Vermont
Sandy Bigglestone, State of Vermont

Episode 13 was recorded from the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) with guest co-host Dan Towle, President of the Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA).

​Richard interviewed Janice Klodowski, Vice President at Agri Services Agency, about the sponsored captive she oversees for Dairy Farmers of America.

​The VCIA Hot Topics panel, featuring Vermont regulators David Provost and Sandy Bigglestone, Jim Swanke, of Willis Towers Watson, Joshua Reding, Senior Director of Risk Management at Life Time, Inc, and Captive Review’s Nick Morgan join the Podcast to discuss the big ticket items today.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #12: Audrey Rampinelli, Tony Benedetto and Thomas Keist

Audrey Rampinelli, OnRamp Risk LLC
Tony Benedetto, NASW Assurance Services
Thomas Kesit, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions

In Episode 12, Richard is joined by guest co-host Audrey Rampinelli, a former President of the RIMS New York chapter and founder of OnRamp Risk LLC. Richard and Audrey discuss developments in InsureTech and and her special relationship with the captive world.

​The captive owner interview is with Tony Benedetto, CEO of NASW Assurance Services. Tony discusses the structure and purpose of the captive reinsurer and risk retention group that are owned by the National Association of Social Workers.

​Our third guest is Thomas Keist, Head of Marketing for Innovative Risk Solutions at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions. Thomas address developments in reinsurance and insurance-linked securities.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #11: Matthew Latham, Andrew Koegel and Ben Whitehouse

Mathew Latham, AXA XL
Andrew Koegel, Hartmann Group
Ben Whitehouse, Butler Snow

In Episode 11, Richard is joined by guest co-host Matthew Latham, Head of Captives and Global Programmes at AXA XL. Matthew and Richard discuss the carrier’s captive proposition post the AXA acquisition and the role of fronting and reinsurance partners during the captive feasibility and start-up process.

Our risk manager interview is with prospective captive owner Andrew Koegel, who outlines the process the Hartmann Group is currently going through in forming its first captive.

Our third guest is Ben Whitehouse, formerly an attorney for the Tennessee Captive Insurance Section and now Senior Counsel at Butler Snow law firm, based in Nashville.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see:

GCP #10: Dr Paul Wöhrmann, Daniele Zucchi and Marcel Dubach

Dr Paul Wöhrmann, Zurich Insurance Company
Daniele Zucchi, Sigurd Ruck

In Episode 10, Richard is joined by guest co-host Dr Paul Wöhrmann, Head of Captive Services at Zurich Insurance, who discusses the advantages that captives bring to corporates through the cycles of the insurance market and captive reinsurance strategies.

The captive owner interview is with Daniele Zucchi, Managing Director of Sigurd Ruck – the Switzerland-domiciled captive owned by Italian oil and gas contractor Saipem. Daniele discusses how Saipem uses the reinsurance captive and the regulatory environment in Switzerland.

Finally Marcel Dubach, Head of the Zurich Clearing House, outlines how Zurich Insurance utilises its own balance sheet to operate captive fronting programmes efficiently.

For more episodes and to subscribe to the Global Captive Podcast see: